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How US Can Bomb Russia And Get Away With It – Trump Shocks The World

How US Can Bomb Russia And Get Away With It – Trump Shocks The World



Former US President Donald Trump has shocked the world with his proposal to bomb Russia (“send them to hell”) with US planes posing as Chinese in order to distract Putin during his invasion of Ukraine .

Trump grew up during a speech in New Orleans and to impress major GOP contributors he could think of nothing but to joke about putting the Chinese flag on F-22 planes to bomb Russia “the shit out of it . “


“And then we say, China did it, we didn’t do it, China did it, and then they start fighting each other and we sit and watch,” Donald Trump said during his 83-minute speech in New Orleans.

And then we say, China did it, we didn’t do it, China did it, and then they start fighting each other and we sit and watch

donald trump


This Trump suggestion thanks to a recording made by the newspaper ‘The Washington Post’ and has become viral in a few hours.

The funny thing about Trump’s suggestion is that F-22s are very recognizable aircraft and… China’s Army does not use F-22s!


Trump attacks NATO: “It’s a paper tiger”

In the same speech, Trump harshly criticized NATO, calling it “a paper tiger.”

“At what point do we say we can’t take this massive crime against humanity? We can’t let it happen. We can’t let it keep happening,” the former US president said of Russia’s invasion of Ukraine.


What would happen if the United States bombed Russia with Chinese-flagged planes?

Using a flag of a neutral State or of a State not participating in a war conflict is prohibited by International Law.

A decision by the United States to bomb Russia with China-flagged aircraft would doom the world to World War III .


“This idea would draw the United States into conflict and violate the rule that prohibits the use of flags, emblems or insignia of neutral states or states that are not party to the conflict. It would escalate the conflict dramatically, and the rules on neutrality and neutral states are designed to avoid exactly that”, analyzes international law expert Laurie R. Blank in ‘The Washington Post’ .

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