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Does Canada really verify documents before they issue visas to applicants?



Canada Immigration has entire departments of researchers who verify every single detail on every application. They take extra time with applications from Nigeria, Ghana, and India because most of actual and attempted immigration fraud comes from these countries.

If an applicant says they worked for five years at XYZ company that no longer exists, the researchers will look closely at that. That kind of information still exists in government archives. The researchers are excellent at pulling information from foreign archives.


If an applicant says they have two degrees: one in engineering from one university, and another in architecture from another university, the researchers will contact the registrar’s office at both schools to verify. Sometimes it takes a couple of weeks to get verification. The application is paused during the wait.

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If an applicant says they have a two-year certificate in automobile bodywork, and another certificate in hairdressing, the researchers verify each certificate.


If there are lies, the application is rejected. If there are half-truths, fabrications, or exaggerations, the application is rejected.

This is why it takes so long for an application to be processed.


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