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Rivers Crisis: Governor Fubara Speaks On Being Under Siege



Rivers State Governor, Siminalayi Fubara, has strongly refuted claims suggesting that the state is embroiled in crisis, describing such narratives as false and the product of mischief makers.

The governor made these clarifications while addressing journalists in Egbelu Community, after inspecting the ongoing 14.6km Omodu-Eberi Road project in Omuma Local Government Area on Thursday.



Governor Fubara emphasized the prevailing peace and stability in Rivers State, which he said has been instrumental in fostering sustainable development, attracting fast-paced investments, and accelerating economic growth.

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“The recent negative narrative that portrays the State as immersed in crisis with disrupted peace is untrue and misguided,” Fubara stated, adding that such misinformation undermines the state’s developmental efforts.

During his field visit, Governor Fubara took the opportunity to reassure both locals and the nation at large that Rivers State continues to enjoy an “uninterrupted peaceful atmosphere.”


He noted that the residents are engaging in their normal activities, and governance is thriving, which contradicts the portrayal of the state in some quarters of the media.

The governor also highlighted the significance of the Omodu-Eberi Road project, which is expected to enhance connectivity and economic activities in the region, further contributing to the state’s overall development.

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The road project is part of a broader initiative to improve infrastructure across Rivers State, aimed at boosting local economies and improving the quality of life for residents.

By addressing these misconceptions directly, Governor Fubara aims to correct the public image of Rivers State and encourage continued investment and development.


The state government remains focused on maintaining peace and security, which is essential for achieving the ambitious economic goals set for the region.

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