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F1: Lewis Hamilton’s marriage to Ferrari has been 20 years in the making



The report, when it first appeared in Italy on Thursday, came completely out of the blue. Or should that be red.

Operation Hamilton’ screamed Corriere della Serra. ‘Maranello wants him for 2025. The driver wants to come. This is John Elkann’s big dream.’ Most people’s reaction was to check it was Feb 1, not April 1. These Ferrari links surface periodically, normally when Hamilton is in the middle of contract talks.


That was not Mercedes’ reaction though. They were strangely tongue-tied when the story was put to them. Rather than dismiss it as silly-season gossip and remind curious reporters that Hamilton had only just signed a new two-year contract, they declined to comment. It was immediately apparent something was up.

In terms of transfer deadline day bombshells, Hamilton to Ferrari is right up there. The biggest transfer since… well, since Hamilton jumped ship to Mercedes 12 years ago. But no one should be overly surprised that he is ditching Brackley for Maranello. The manner of the departure, having finally committed to a new two-year deal last summer: yes. The timing of it, on the eve of the season: yes. The fact that it appeared to catch Mercedes and Toto Wolff completely off guard: definitely. All of these things make it intriguing and there is sure to be more that comes out in the wash.

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But Hamilton and Ferrari have been flirting with each other forever. This is a marriage 20 years in the making. Hamilton has always been open about his admiration for Ferrari and the fact that he would love to drive for the Scuderia one day. He even owns a £1.5 million limited-edition LaFerrari supercar. “We are talking about a fantastic team and you never know what could happen,” he said as far back as 2011, the year before he dumped McLaren for Mercedes.

In 2017 he went further. “I’ve made it no secret I’m a huge fan of the team,” Hamilton said. “A big fan of Ferrari and what they’ve achieved in the history of motorsport and the normal world in terms of the cars that they make. Who knows what the future holds. At the moment I can’t imagine myself being anywhere else but here.”

Lewis Hamilton gazing lovingly at a Ferrari
Hamilton has made no secret of his admiration for Ferrari, and vice versa – Shutterstock/Franck Robichon

The flirting was always reciprocated. Luca di Montezemolo, the former Ferrari chairman, was a big fan. “Lewis Hamilton deserves to be ranked among the greats of the sport, with Michael, Fangio, Senna, Lauda, Clark, Stewart,” he commented after Hamilton won his sixth world title in 2019. “He always drives correctly, he’s lightning fast and he can adapt to changing situations, whether it’s his car or the track. He is one of those drivers who can win even with an inferior race car. I wouldn’t go so far as to say that Lewis would have won the title this year with Ferrari. But I think in 2018 he could have done it.”

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The flirting got so hot and heavy that year that Mercedes team principal Toto Wolff was forced to acknowledge there was a third party in their relationship. “You have to simply acknowledge that probably it’s in every driver’s head to drive at Ferrari one day,” the Austrian admitted. “It’s the most iconic, historic Formula One brand out there and I totally respect if a driver has the desire to drive at Ferrari. Even within the team we have discussed it and with Lewis we have discussed it, and we have agreed on the topic. If one day ways part, it will be very positive and each of us will try to achieve success with a different setup. So no drama.”

Prophetic words. Wolff’s trump card was always that Mercedes were so much stronger. Why would Hamilton go to Ferrari when he was winning championships by the bucketload at Brackley? That is no longer the case. Hamilton has clearly determined that Mercedes cannot offer him any guarantees of a winning car in the next two years. Crucially, nor would they guarantee him a contract to take him into 2026, the first year of the new regulations.

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Ferrari cannot do the former either. But they were prepared to do the latter. And that is Hamilton’s best chance of claiming the eighth world title that he so desperately desires.

The fact that Fred Vasseur, Hamilton’s old ART team principal in F1’s junior championship, is now in charge at Ferrari, would have helped. Hamilton knows him and trusts him. And the Frenchman does look as if he is running a (marginally) tighter ship at Maranello.


The fact that Elkann has assiduously courted him, picking up where Di Montezemolo left off, talking to Hamilton on and off last year as he and Mercedes thrashed out their latest contract, would not have done any harm either.

But with Red Bull so utterly dominant, and with neither Mercedes nor Ferrari certain of success over the next two seasons, it is the combination of a guaranteed drive in 2026, at a team to which he has felt a strong emotional pull for most of his life, which has surely swung transfer deadline day’s biggest deal.

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